Academic Staff Orientation Equips Faculties with Essential Tools for Quality Education

The ISO and Accreditation Office at Tishk International University recently concluded an extensive academic staff orientation program under the supervision of the vice president for academic affairs Asst. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ozdemir. The orientation program aimed to equip newly hired faculty members with essential tools and knowledge for delivering quality education. The week-long training sessions, held from October 22nd to 30th, and took place in the Education Building/Conference Hall, covered various topics pertinent to academic excellence and institutional processes.

The Orientation Program was opened by a brief speech made by the director of the ISO and Accreditation Office. The program addressed various crucial aspects of academic responsibilities. Among the comprehensive list of topics covered were:

  1. “Preparing Syllabus, CLO, NUR Considerations, and Quality of Publications” by Dr. Samira Saeed
  2. “Overview of QA Process and Procedures at Tishk” by Ms. Ala Tahsin
  3. “Dean of Students and Events” by Mr. Hedi Mustafa
  4. “Introduction to ISO 21001 and Important Policies for New Lecturers” by Ms. Rasha Alkabbanie
  5. “Entering Syllabus and Credit to the System” and “Important Functions of the PIS System” by Dr. Ferhat Kahvaci
  6. “Introduction to IT Services and Facilities” by Mr. Mohammad Abubakr
  7. “Human Resources Procedure (personal files, leave requests, annual leaves, salaries, and working hour policies…)” by Mr. Shkar Latif
  8. “Publication and Incentives” by Dr. Orhan Tug
  9. “Website Facilities” by Mr. Omar Ismail
  10. “Library Support and E-Library” by Dr. Muhammad Mustafa
  11. “Examination and Grading System at TIU” by Mr. Soran Kaifi
  12. “Important Legal Rulesby Dr. Sabah Qasim

The orientation program fostered an environment of learning and collaboration, enabling faculty members to better engage with their roles and responsibilities within the university’s framework. Furthermore, it empowers them to excel in their research endeavors.

Completion letters were distributed to all participants who attended more than 80% of the sessions, and appreciation letters were given to all the instructors.

We wish all the staff a successful and happy academic year here at Tishk University.